As I was looking through my closet this morning for a jacket to wear in the sunny, yet chilly weather Davis was blessed with this morning, I remembered something I read on one of my favorite fashion blogs, WhoWhatWear.com. Army jackets are in style. So I thought, "hey, this could work as army-esque." I put the brown button down jacket on over my outfit, grabbed my brown boots to match and walked out the door with confidence. While I have no desire to be in the military, I do believe you should feel powerful in what you wear. This jacket did just the trick. It can get difficult going day to day in just jeans and a Northface jacket (a true Davis staple outfit). So I decided to spice things up today, and took orders from those who hold high rankings on the fashion hierarchy. If you feel your outfits aren't giving you the power and confidence they should be, then perhaps adding a bit if military apparel to your wardrobe will do the trick.