The world of fashion gets its inspiration from all over the world and different time periods. Perhaps this explains why there has been an influx in stripes - and not just the average stripe. It's the nautical stripe and it originated in Brittany, France. During the late 19th century, sailors from this coastal province made these stripes popular while tackling the open waters. Thanks to a dear friend who traveled to this boat-friendly town, I have my very own set of stripes straight from Brittany. If you really wanted to have the authentic nautical stripe, you could travel to France (wouldn't we all?) Although I'm sure all of you would love to travel to France, I know you're on a budget. So if you really want the real Brittany look, check out LLBean.com. Or if you're digging the stripes, but need something a bit trendier, JCrew and UrbanOutfitters both have excellent versions of the Brittany stripes. I know deep down in all of you there's a sailor just waiting to get your hands on these stripes and set sail! Let me know about your adventures!