Spring has finally sprung and floral is in! This outburst in floral print may have something to do with the recent movie release of Alice in Wonderland. We all remember from the Disney animated classic when the flowers literally came to life and started singing to Alice. She became entranced by their glorious voices and magical dancing. If we step out of wonder land it will be no wonder why floral print is making its way to the stores. From underwear to bathing suits, this look will be sure to make spring a fun transition from winter. And it's just not floral print, but 3D flower fabrics, too! Everyone loves flowers, just look at them! Here's a story I'd like to share: Every year on my friend's birthday, her mom tells her the flowers are singing and the sun is shining! So whether your going to class, seeing your favorite band in concert, having a birthday, or attending a garden party, make sure you're in your floral frock...just don't be late!
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