Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Obsession: Michael Kors
Thursday, December 2, 2010
This Season's Must Have

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Black Friday
Now who's looking forward to Cyber Monday? That would be me! Let me know if any of you fashionistas know about some great deals.
And for those of you who kicked Black Friday in the butt, I truly commend you. I don't really know how you did it after stuffing yourself silly with turkey and potatoes. Will you please share your secret with me?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Destination: South Coast Plaza
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Boutiques.com - The New Personal Stylist
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Color Me Amazing
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Westfield Style Tour
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Walking on the Wall
When I was in New York almost a month ago, my cousin, aunt and I were walking down the street to MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) to see the Matisse exhibit. But before we made it to the entrance of the museum, there were street vendors to stop and check out. Duh! It's New York City! Well, I was automatically drawn to this little Asian lady that was selling these photos (pictured above). Can you not see why I was attracted to these? Hello! These photos scream my name in every way possible. I would even go so far to say they are the essence of my being - okay, maybe that's a little much. But these shoe pictures really express my stylish personality. And I shall tell you why.
Not only do I love a hot, red stiletto BUT there's a matador at the bottom! Who cares? Well, during my Junior year of college, I studied abroad in Spain for four months and had the most eye opening experience of my life - which included a bull fight. I was able to experience a new culture on so many levels - even the fashionable level. (I'll save that for another time). Oh, and they have a platform. What could be better?
You must know by now that I am obsessed with all things leopard, so you must also understand why I love the leopard shoe. Enough said. Plus the little man on the toe of the shoe is wearing a great coat. Hmm I wonder where he got it...
And lastly, who can go wrong with a great wedge? Not I, so bring on the zebra wedge! And the little man is reading a newspaper, which I envy. But let's pretend he's reading Vogue and we'll all be happy.
Now, I must go find the perfect place to hang these photos. And if you see these shoes in real life, please let me know!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween DIY Style!
Story time: I think my favorite halloween was when I dressed up as a Dalmatian from 101 Dalmatians. I don't remember which one I was, but does it really matter? At eight-years-old I had a bit of an obsession with dogs. So who couldn't blame me for wanting to look like a cute little puppy.
I've always been a big fan of this holiday. This year I decided to skip the halloween stores and I DIYed my costume! For those of you out of the lingo loop - that's do it yourself. I was inspired by a peacock that I saw in Hawaii over the summer. And from that day I knew I was going to be a peacock for halloween. Because when else can you dress up like a bird? I may have spent a bit more than I would have liked, but it was well worth it!
Here's what I used:
1 black tutu purchased online
a black top I found at Buffalo Exchange
1 1/2 yards of peacock feathers
four extra feathers for the hair
Here's what I did:
I measured out 4 strips of the peacock feathers to fit on the shirt. Then sewed each strip on by hand. And voila, a peacock!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Hangin with Beautylish!
This past weekend I had the pleasure of hanging out with the Beautylish team at the JW Marriot in Downtown, Los Angeles. Their LA Day of Beauty was a great networking event for the beauties of this great city we live in. From well-known beauty YouTubers to experts from the hottest make-up companies, there was something for everyone! There were make-up artists giving mini-make overs and nail artists giving mini-manis - and even mini cupcakes! So if you're a make-up guru or want to be one check out Beautylish.com!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Let's Talk Make-up
Putting on make-up may be a daunting task for some of you. But trust me - spending five minutes on your face can really make a big difference. Even if you just use a bit of lip gloss, a dab of blush and a wisp of mascara, you'll look like a million bucks! Have fun with it. Explore colors, products and techniques. So if you're wondering what's in my amazing Trina Turk make-up bag, check out Beautylish!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Golden Links of Love
Friday, October 1, 2010
Faux Fur Fab
If you know me, you know I love leopard print. And if you don't know me, well, now you know. Ever since I was little girl, I was a little obsessed with the spotted print. In fact, the leopard coat pictured above was a present I got for my tenth birthday - and it still fits! It's from Gap Kids - can you believe it? Lucky for me, I'm already prepared for one of the hottest trends this Fall - I'd like to call it Faux Fur Fab.
Some of you may find it difficult to pull off a fur coat - even if it's faux. My advice: try a fur accessory instead. Yes, the purse above is from my own wardrobe as well. A dear friend of mine (actually, the same person who gave me the coat) thought I just had to have that bag - and boy, was she right! And, the best part of it all - it was on sale. If I can remember correctly, the original price was $140 and came to about $30! (Thanks, Macys!) Accessorizing is a great way to stay within a budget when you want to keep up with the fashion must haves. This fall, go get yourself a faux fur bag, vest (which I've seen tons of), or even a headband.
You can even give your home a faux fur accent like the pillows I have pictured above. I've been playing around where they look the best, but for now they look great on my maroon comforter.
So this Fall (even though it still feels like summer in Cali), be BOLD. Add some faux fur into your life and bring out the inner animal within. Don't lie. I know you know it's in there somewhere. So when you're out shopping this weekend - just remember Faux Fur Fab! Oh, and let me know if you find any good deals!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Fashionable Notes
Want to know more about Tia Suzanna's Cards?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Meet Celebrity Stylist Anya Sarre

Keep reading for more with Anya Sarre
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Buy something new(ish) if you're Jewish...and even if you're not!

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Where Fashion meets the Ocean

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hail to the Bible
It arrived in the mail wrapped in plastic. It was almost like waking up on Christmas morning (for the birthday presents, not the X-mas gifts.) I ripped the plastic apart and held up the 726 pages of fashion greatness AKA the September issue of Vogue. The ads are amazing - from what's hot for Fall to bags I could never afford, but desperately want. As I flip through the pages of my Bible, the perfume inserts enter my olfactory senses. I am captured. Although it may take me days to get through the 700 plus pages, I am armed and ready for what this goddess of fashion has in store for me. It's all about camel for Fall and the square-toed heels. There's even ads for those thriftier fashion lovers - yes, KMart and Target are in there! Well, blog world, it's late here in Lala Land and I must get my beauty rest. Time to go pray with my fashion Bible. So go out, support the magazine world and get your copy of the September Vogue.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Thrill of the Shop

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Ahoy Matey!

The world of fashion gets its inspiration from all over the world and different time periods. Perhaps this explains why there has been an influx in stripes - and not just the average stripe. It's the nautical stripe and it originated in Brittany, France. During the late 19th century, sailors from this coastal province made these stripes popular while tackling the open waters. Thanks to a dear friend who traveled to this boat-friendly town, I have my very own set of stripes straight from Brittany. If you really wanted to have the authentic nautical stripe, you could travel to France (wouldn't we all?) Although I'm sure all of you would love to travel to France, I know you're on a budget. So if you really want the real Brittany look, check out LLBean.com. Or if you're digging the stripes, but need something a bit trendier, JCrew and UrbanOutfitters both have excellent versions of the Brittany stripes. I know deep down in all of you there's a sailor just waiting to get your hands on these stripes and set sail! Let me know about your adventures!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Travel in Style

Friday, June 25, 2010
First Shoot @ CBS!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
DIY: Denim

-1 pair of medium-wash jeans
-1 pair of light-wash jeans
-Fabric Glue
1. Measure out and mark up two rectangular panels on the light-wash jeans. Make sure these panels are equally wide—about 6" x 11"—then cut them out using fabric scissors.
2. Place the darker jeans on a flat surface and determine/mark where you want the patches to go.
3. Apply a generous amount of fabric glue to the backside of the light-wash panels. Be sure to evenly distribute the glue on the fabric.
4. Position the light-wash patches over the knee area on the dark-wash jeans and press firmly.
5. Make sure the pieces are completely dried and adhered before you pick them up.
6. Wait 72 hours before washing them—and remember to turn the jeans inside out first!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
One Dress, So Many Ways
Here are just a few of the many ways it can be worn:

Image Credit: http://store.americanapparel.net
Monday, April 26, 2010
And The Winner IS...

Monday, April 19, 2010
A Forever Fav

Just a few weeks ago, the Los Angeles Times ran an article about the profitable fashion company and the newest additions to the Forever 21 team, the Chang sisters. Forever 21 is surviving in this volatile economy, but how? For starters they offer fashion-forward trends at unbelievably low prices. If I never need something that I know will only be in style for a few weeks, Forever 21 is the go to spot. Their merchandise is constantly changing and where else can you find those great deals?
But behind those great prices and fast-fashion trends are two sisters that have put a new spin on the company’s image. Linda and Esther Chang are both in their twenties, and joined their parents’ company a little over a year ago. Linda runs the marketing department, while her younger sister, Esther, runs the visual department.
With their young, fresh ideas the company is thriving. They have turned to social media outlets to promote the company and don’t see it slowing down any time soon. Forever 21’s image can be found on their Facebook page, Twitter feed, and blog, the Skinny. Both the sisters have a love for the fashion industry, and know they have helped maintain their family’s company.
Check out the article in the Los Angeles times.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Flowers are Singing

Spring has finally sprung and floral is in! This outburst in floral print may have something to do with the recent movie release of Alice in Wonderland. We all remember from the Disney animated classic when the flowers literally came to life and started singing to Alice. She became entranced by their glorious voices and magical dancing. If we step out of wonder land it will be no wonder why floral print is making its way to the stores. From underwear to bathing suits, this look will be sure to make spring a fun transition from winter. And it's just not floral print, but 3D flower fabrics, too! Everyone loves flowers, just look at them! Here's a story I'd like to share: Every year on my friend's birthday, her mom tells her the flowers are singing and the sun is shining! So whether your going to class, seeing your favorite band in concert, having a birthday, or attending a garden party, make sure you're in your floral frock...just don't be late!
Thursday, March 4, 2010

As I was looking through my closet this morning for a jacket to wear in the sunny, yet chilly weather Davis was blessed with this morning, I remembered something I read on one of my favorite fashion blogs, WhoWhatWear.com. Army jackets are in style. So I thought, "hey, this could work as army-esque." I put the brown button down jacket on over my outfit, grabbed my brown boots to match and walked out the door with confidence. While I have no desire to be in the military, I do believe you should feel powerful in what you wear. This jacket did just the trick. It can get difficult going day to day in just jeans and a Northface jacket (a true Davis staple outfit). So I decided to spice things up today, and took orders from those who hold high rankings on the fashion hierarchy. If you feel your outfits aren't giving you the power and confidence they should be, then perhaps adding a bit if military apparel to your wardrobe will do the trick.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Is it summer or winter?

The weather lately has been a bit confusing the past few days. One day it's sunny and hot and the next it's cloudy and chilly. My closet just can't seem to keep up with this volatile season. These confusing changes in the weather may make people a bit confused, too. Recently, a new concept has made it's way into the world of fashion, and I'm ready to embrace it. Before I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but I think I will be sporting this look in the near future. "What is it?" You may be asking. Well, I shall tell you. It's wearing shorts over tights or leggings. I've seen a lot of girls wearing this pairing - even some celebrities too. It may seem like they are a bit confused; to wear pants or not to wear pants? With this combo, you have the best of both worlds. You savor your love of the summer months and stay warm at the same time. In the picture above, my friend Victoria is sporting this trend, and I can't wait to follow in her footsteps. A more well-known face, Alexa Chung, made this look popular at the recent New York Fashion Week. She paired her tights with velvet shorts for a more sophisticated, evening look. As confusing as this weather is and this look may seem, be bold this season. Pair some shorts and tights together, and let me know how things go!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Bump It or dump it?
It's seems as though every few minutes a new fashion craze hits and the world goes nuts over getting their hands on whatever is new. The Bump It has made its way into the world of hair accessories in a BIG way. I'm all for volume and looking taller, but do you really need to add the height to your head? Can't you just throw on some heels and call it a day? Maybe that's too painful. As someone who is just about five feet tall, I know how hard it is to see over a crowd or be noticed. But there are other ways of doing this. Even in a small town like Davis, the Bump It has made it's mark. Just last weekend I saw about 3 girls sporting the Bump It in their hair. It looks like a 50's hair-do gone wrong. With all the products on the market to enhance the female body, this one takes the gold medal in ridiculousness. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and doesn't need a Bump It to prove anything. So Bump It or dump it? You decide.