Thursday, February 18, 2010

Is it summer or winter?

The weather lately has been a bit confusing the past few days. One day it's sunny and hot and the next it's cloudy and chilly. My closet just can't seem to keep up with this volatile season. These confusing changes in the weather may make people a bit confused, too. Recently, a new concept has made it's way into the world of fashion, and I'm ready to embrace it. Before I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but I think I will be sporting this look in the near future. "What is it?" You may be asking. Well, I shall tell you. It's wearing shorts over tights or leggings. I've seen a lot of girls wearing this pairing - even some celebrities too. It may seem like they are a bit confused; to wear pants or not to wear pants? With this combo, you have the best of both worlds. You savor your love of the summer months and stay warm at the same time. In the picture above, my friend Victoria is sporting this trend, and I can't wait to follow in her footsteps. A more well-known face, Alexa Chung, made this look popular at the recent New York Fashion Week. She paired her tights with velvet shorts for a more sophisticated, evening look. As confusing as this weather is and this look may seem, be bold this season. Pair some shorts and tights together, and let me know how things go!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bump It or dump it?

It's seems as though every few minutes a new fashion craze hits and the world goes nuts over getting their hands on whatever is new. The Bump It has made its way into the world of hair accessories in a BIG way. I'm all for volume and looking taller, but do you really need to add the height to your head? Can't you just throw on some heels and call it a day? Maybe that's too painful. As someone who is just about five feet tall, I know how hard it is to see over a crowd or be noticed. But there are other ways of doing this. Even in a small town like Davis, the Bump It has made it's mark. Just last weekend I saw about 3 girls sporting the Bump It in their hair. It looks like a 50's hair-do gone wrong. With all the products on the market to enhance the female body, this one takes the gold medal in ridiculousness. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and doesn't need a Bump It to prove anything. So Bump It or dump it? You decide.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Vogue Inspired

After reading an article about eyeshadow in the latest issue of Vogue, I was inspired. My friend, Victoria, has an eye for color, a passion for design, and a love for make-up. As do I. Over the weekend at a get together with our sorority, she sat me down and got creative face. I gave her freedom to create. After she let me look in the mirror, my first reaction was shock...wouldn't you feel the same way? But, it was kind of exhilarating after a while. It's always fun to change your appearance, even if it's for a night. When you look different, you feel different. While I have a love for fashion, I also have a secret passion for make-up. So this was an exciting experience, and after Victoria busted out her fancy shmancy camera the fierceness within me was unleashed. So thanks Vogue for being so awesome, you truly give inspiration to women across America.